Office of The Borough Administrator

Office Hours: Mon – Friday, 9:00 a.m. — 4:30 p.m.
Fax: (201) 585-4155

Roberta Stern

Borough Administrator

The Borough Administrator is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Borough. The Administrator’s actions are subject to the policy and directives of the Mayor and Council and are generally responsible for the proper administration of all affairs of the Borough within the jurisdiction of the governing body.

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:
  1. Establish and maintain sound working policies including scheduling of vacation holiday and sick leave; maintain appropriate records of such reports and to enforce the personnel policy of the Borough and any contractual obligations with employees entered into by the Borough and, if requested by the Mayor, shall attend any meetings of the Borough Council without the right to vote but with the obligation to take part in the discussions if requested by the Mayor or any members of the Council.
  2. Prepare annually and recommend to the Mayor and Council an operating and capital budget together with such explanatory comment or statement as may be deemed desirable and/or necessary.
  3. Act as a liaison between the Borough and the various county, state and federal agencies with respect to all applications for funds and/or services and/or grants needed or required by the Borough.
  4. Investigate, at any time, the affairs of any department or office of the Borough and report any and all findings to the Mayor and Council.
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